Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2+ Week Follow-up

Saw the plastic surgeon on 6/28. Tissue is looking good. Expansion is coming along. We still have some dents that need to come out - think of it as a little body work. My latest complaint in my last posting was the sensitivity of lively new skin cells and nerve reawakening. Good thing, bad thing. Bad news first - it's uncomfortable. Good news - well we can all guess that means things are healing well.

I can decrease the discomfort by (privately) massaging the breast tissue and nipple that is affected. Seems a little shameful, given my growing up, possibly yours. Just following Dr's orders! It helps to retrain the brain and nerve cells to become accustomed to touch, pressure and friction of clothing.

We will expand until the tissues are pushed out sufficiently in the right places. The nurse added 30 cc to the original 150 cc. That leaves about 70 cc to go. I can feel some additional pressure in the pectoral muscles, but not terribly bad. We'll continue to add weekly until everything rounds out. We'll leave it like that for a bit, then go back for the follow-up surgery.

Exciting, huh?

Not much walking going on yesterday. Pretty misty the whole day.

I guess when it rains it pours, sometimes. We have been having work done on decommissioning our oil tank for heating. Well - bad news - soil has been contaminated. We have to get a city permit to do testing in the parking strip out near the street, as it may be all the way down and out there. So.... I need to continue reviewing for a new furnace - we should have that functional by the time winter begins, don't you think?

Planning for a beach trip soon. I can't wait - hot tub, ocean view. 180 steps down to the beach. Hikes, walks. Seafood, farmer's market. Anything you don't like about that? Trying to think of what would be most enjoyable to take with me. At least one book. Any jewelry making stuff? Camera. Any video editing work? Mhmmm. Not sure.

Have a special day.

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