Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 13 with 6 weeks + 2 days to go

Well, let's see.... We started out on a motorcycle trip for an extended Labor Day weekend and went as far as Sun River. Mr's. bike was having some loss of power issues. We felt that it might be a bit risky to continue given that I really needed to be back to work on the 6th as I am trying to finish up projects so I am ready to transition to my new position on 9/19. We spent the night in Bend and stayed near the McMenamin's St. Francis - no rooms available, but we were able to stay close enough to walk there for dinner and have some Terminator. We headed home on Thursday morning. As fortune or circumstance would have it, Mr. had no problems all the way home. We got home middle of the afternoon and prepared for a truck camping trip. We left for the east side of the mountains - east of Prineville and Post - to camp. It was nice to get away but for some reason I had major allergic response to the grasses, etc. Even Zyrtec didn't seem to help much. I'm still working on getting completely over it though am much better.

I'm counting down on a few fronts. 9/19 I start my new position. I have alot to learn. 10/25 is my 2nd surgery. If I am counting right that would be the 6 weeks + 2 days to go. By this time on the 25th, I should at the least be in recovery. Oh, and lest I forget, my first ever colonoscopy on 9/16! I went out and bought my prep stuff at Bi-mart and Safeway this afternoon. The clerk at Bi-Mart laughed and said "Oh guess what you get to do." We laughed. I even bought some extra things so Mr. will almost be ready for it when he schedules his. No food with seeds in it starting Tuesday. My advice to you is don't schedule your colonoscopy when there are so many fresh seeded things like tomatoes and cucumbers. 3 days with no seeds! Thursday clear liquids, I can have Ensure until 5pm. Need some protein source. Then the fun begins!

This past week I worked 10-11 hour days. Will probably do the same Mon - Thurs. again. Work days should get shorter soon!

Had a good time yesterday enjoying some art and friends. We went to Lake Oswego and ate lunch with friends at Lady Di's, a British tea place, then we did the sculpture walk. LO sponsors statues around town and each year the residents get to vote on one to purchase. Great company and great art. Nice treat. Here's a picture of one of my favorites. Check out some more at their website.

Glass & Steel
Nothing new on the breast front, though I did notice the other day that I do have almost normal sensation on the lower left quarter of my breast. Maybe more to come? I'll take what I can get. I am able to wear a bra the majority of the day, but it's always nice to get out of it in  the evening. They are pretty structured.

It's been warm, hot, though I am not going to complain. It took forever for summer to arrive. Tomatoes are finally ripening. We are hoping to get a new furnace installed before the cool sets in. Right now we have no heat source. So......

At any rate, I have nothing more to go on about, so I'll call it good for now.

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